The International Labour Organization INVESTIGATING mobbing in the Serbian Army

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has initiated proceedings related to mobbing and pressure on the Serbian Military Union (SMU) and asked the Serbian government to make a statement about the issue, the SMU announced.

The statement says that they received this information from the Freedom of Association and International Labour Standards Chief at the International Labour Organization, Karen Curtis.

„This United Nations agency is interested in the persecution that the Serbian Military Union has been experiencing in recent years by the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin and his associates from the Ministry of Defence,“ the union states.

The SMU adds that the line minister has never responded to an invitation to have a meeting with SMU, that he refused to negotiate a collective agreement for military employees „even though this is his legal obligation“, and his administration fired the president of SMU because he spoke at public gatherings of trade unions and in the media, criticizing the employer, even though this is prohibited by ILO conventions and the law.

They add that with discharges and other types of pressure, the Ministry of Defence has tried to influence what views the unions will represent and express in public, being independent legal entities.

That union, as stated in the announcement, requests that institutions responsible for the implementation of the Constitution, international conventions and laws return the president and the secretary general of the Serbian Military Union to work immediately.

It also demands that representativeness of the Serbian Military Union is restored and that negotiations for the conclusion of a collective agreement for employees in the Serbian Army and the department of defence begin immediately after establishment of the Government.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: BIZLife

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