Staggering figures: The most expensive square metre in Serbia sold for EUR 9,000!

The most expensive square metre of real estate in Serbia in the third quarter of this year is at the exclusive location Belgrade Waterfront and cost EUR 9,019 per square metre, and the most money was set aside for the same apartment, EUR 883,888 respectively, the Republic Geodetic Authority (RGA) announced.

According to an announcement, the top seven most expensive apartments were also sold in the Belgrade Waterfront.

At the same time, the most money for an apartment in the old building, in the amount of EUR 1.46 million, was set aside for an apartment in the Belgrade Municipality of Stari grad, and the highest price per square metre, of EUR 4,301, was paid for real estate in the Municipality of Vracar.

The RGA stated that in the third quarter, the most expensive square metre of office space was purchased on Kopaonik, while the highest contractual price of office space was realized in Vracar.

Among the land intended for industrial construction, the most expensive was land in Simanovci in the municipalities of Pecinci and Novi Sad.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Pixabay

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