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    Serbia to reintroduce CONSCRIPTION as of next year?

    Serbia is likely to reintroduce the military service conscription as of next year, the Belgrade media report, as cited by Tanjug. This news agency, citing the press, reports that this issue has been discussed for over a year. Serbian Ambassador to Russia Miroslav Lazanski says that Serbia lacks an army because professional soldiers are already more than 30 years old and they cannot physically tackle all the tasks. „Serbia lacks a trained reserve army and a war army. In all the previous conflicts, it has turned out that the soldiers who served the military service were the best warriors,“ Lazanski said. According to him, Serbia will most likely retain a combined system, based on which part of the army will be made by professional soldiers, part by the contracted soldiers, and part by the drafted soldiers. Military analyst Aleksandar Radic thinks that we need to find an adequate model that will be appropriate for Serbia and the time we live in. „We do not have either the money or the conditions to do this as we used to, while the Yugoslav National Army existed. I am in favour of conscription, but not for everyone, rather for a certain number of people. Nobody can force anyone to enlist into the army, but the young men who would voluntarily agree to serve the army would not do marginal tasks as they do now, such as cleaning yards,“ Radic said. As he adds, if military conscription was reintroduced, it would refer to young men aged between 18 and 26 and there would be no retroactive enlisting. „Those men who did not serve the military service would have a duty to go through short training for the reserve force,“ he said.

    Izvor: 021/Tanjug

    Foto: Pixabay

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