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    MASS testing for the coronavirus begins

    A study aimed at examining citizens’ collective immunity to the coronavirus, as well as the percentage of asymptomatic cases in the population is commencing today. A total of 17,000 citizens will take part in the study, or around 7,000 households. Any household in Serbia can be invited. Professor Tatjana Pekmezovic, PhD, person in charge of the seroepidemiological study, has stated with RTS that realization of the initial phase of the study will begin today, followed by the first testing at the end of the week. The goal, according to Pekmezovic, is to study asymptomatic cases, transmission chains in families, as well as perceptions of disease risk in the population. On this basis measures will be established if the virus recurs. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Nebojsa Lalic, PhD, states that the goal is to define what the susceptible populations to this virus are, as well as the risk factors that contributed to the poor outcome. He points out that the study will enable better definition of molecular characteristics of the virus, since possibilities for therapy emerges from this.

    Izvor: RTS

    Foto: Pixabay

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