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    Italians arriving in Vranje, to the plant from which the Russians „fled“

    Production in the facilities of Russian „Spilit“ – „Nefa namestaj“, whose owner left Vranje „over night“ at the end of this year’s May, will be launched again, the Office of the Mayor of Vranje has announced. The company „Italia living“ will be the one to launch production, as it deals with the production of upholstered furniture, the town website reports. According to Vranje officials, the plan is to employ 50 people by the end of this year, and 100 more in the following year, „Juzne vesti“ reports. According to statement, Vranje was chosen due to competitive advantages that it has in wood industry, compared to other towns in Serbia. However, it is not stated in the official announcement how this cooperation came about, when the plant will officially start working and whether Italian investor received subsidies and if so what is their volume.


    Izvor: Južne vesti

    Foto: Pixabay

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