From 8 pm you will not be able to go to CAFES without a COVID PASS

At the session of the Government of Serbia, a new decree on the application of covid passes was adopted.

As announced, they will be valid from 8 pm tonight, not only in hospitality facilities, but also in betting shops, casinos, slot clubs and other facilities where games of chance are organized, the Government announced.

It is added that based on the same decree, the working hours of these facilities are no longer limited.

The new decree stipulates that after 8 pm it will not be possible to stay in these facilities without a covid pass, and if hospitality facilities or betting shops work non-stop, entry without a covid certificate is only possible from 6 am the next day.

The government explains that the covid pass is in fact a digital green certificate, which every citizen receives when he/she is vaccinated against coronavirus or when he/she receives the results of covid tests. The digital green certificate can be obtained by email via the eUprava portal, which is an easier way, and it can also be obtained at the nearest post office.

In the following period, entering a hospitality facility, casino or a betting shop after 8 pm will only be possible with a digital green certificate that contains at least one of the following items:

  • Proof of the received second or third dose of the vaccine against covid 19, which confirms that the vaccination is not older than 210 days,
    • Negative PCR test not older than 72 hours,
    • Negative antigen test not older than 48 hours,
    • Proof of recovery from covid in the previous 7 months, which is confirmed by a positive PCR or antigen test,
    • Positive test for antibodies (IgG), not older than three months, done in a state laboratory.

Izvor: Agencije

Foto: Beta

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