Faculty of Civil Engineering DISTANCES ITSELF from the metro
The Academic Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering has adopted the decision that this institution will not participate in the further realization and development of the Belgrade Metro project based on the draft plan made by the City Urban Institute in September, announced the faculty, which had previously submitted objections to that plan.
It was decided that the faculty would remain committed to the metro project which would take into account their views on the position of the metro lines and the phasing of their construction.
Out of all 139 professors and faculty associates who voted, 90 percent voted „yes“, while only five members of the council were against the proposed decision.
„The Faculty of Civil Engineering is convinced of the strength of its arguments and it believes that there is still time to change and improve this project. We are proud of the fact that our team has shown a high level of professional and social responsibility and thus responded to the attempts to relativize the views of the Faculty of Civil Engineering on the current development plan of the Belgrade Metro,“ the statement reads.
The Faculty members believe that 175 generations of civil and geodetic engineers oblige them to unwaveringly advocate for and promote attitudes based on expertise and science.
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