Another city SUBSIDISES purchase of bicycles with RSD 5,000
The Commission for the implementation of the procurement of bicycles as environmentally acceptable transport on the territory of the city of Zrenjanin has announced a public call for the allocation of grants to citizens who want to
purchase bicycles.
For the purpose of this public call, a total of RSD 1 million has been allocated from the city budget for co-funding the purchase of bicycles, and individual citizens can receive RSD 5,000 each.
The goal of co-funding is to increase the number of cyclists on the city streets, in order to improve air quality and reduce environmental pollution.
Citizens who have a valid ID card and residence on the territory of the city of Zrenjanin, at the time of submitting the application, have the right to participate in the public call.
Novi Sad, Nis and Belgrade were the first in Serbia to provide assistance for the purchase of bicycles in order to reduce air pollution and increase traffic safety.
Izvor: Beta
Foto: Pixabay